| 1. | Stress area and bearing area for theraded fasteners 螺纹紧固件应力截面积和承载面积 |
| 2. | Stress area and bearing area for threaded fasteners 螺纹紧固件应力截面积和承载面积 |
| 3. | Ba cylinder bore area 气缸孔面积 |
| 4. | Standard test method for flowability and bearing area of chemical - resistant polymer machinery grouts 抗化学腐蚀聚合物机械薄浆的可流动性和承重区的标准试验方法 |
| 5. | Dna computing is a new - born area with great potential for new - type computing other than electronic and quatum computing Dna计算是不同于电子计算机的电子计算和量子计算的一种新兴的计算方法,具有很大的潜力。 |
| 6. | Most of the salt - bearing basins are also oil and gas bearing areas . in the exploration of oil and gas in salt - bearing basins , it has been found that there are some close relationships between salt and oil & gas 世界上大多数含盐盆地同时也是含油气区,在含盐盆地的油气勘探中,人们发现盐岩与油气有千丝万缕的关系。 |
| 7. | Named zou county but now zoucheng city , in south shandong province , with ages - old history and flourishing culture , is the born area of great ancient ideologist and educationists confucius and mencius , thus to have the name of hometown nation of confucian 邹城市原名邹县,位于山东省南部,历史悠久,文化灿烂,是我国古代伟大的思想家、教育家孔子、孟子的诞生地,素有“孔孟桑梓之邦”的美誉。 |
| 8. | Trued cylindricity and enhanced fitting configurations in major bearing areas reduce stretching and greatly increase chain life . our unique shot - peened surface layer , with residual compressive stress considerably improves fatique properties . kmc is a leading manufacturer of bicycle , motorcycle , automobile and industrial transmission chains Kmc桂盟集团是全球居领导地位的自行车摩托车汽车和工业传输链条制造商,工业传动事业部经营产品项目包含标准链条皮带马达非标链条皮带轮传动配件轮同步轮链轮扭力限制器联轴器减速机等。 |
| 9. | Triassic - jurassic sedimentary sequence was a reformed basin . which is a set of coal - bearing sequence overlay by cenozoic red molasse . from 1993 to 2001 , baolang and benbutu oil field , with an oil - bearing area of 26 . 3 squre kilometer and proven reserves of 4172 + 104t , have been found . oil production of 23 + 104t p . a 盆地自1993年9月开始规模性油气勘探,到2001年底,发现并探明了宝浪、本布图两个油田,累计含油面积26 . 3km ~ 2 ,探明油气储量4172 10 ~ 4t (油当量) ,建成原油生产能力23 10 ~ 4t ,取得了比较显著的经济效益。 |